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UN Peacekeeping and the Protection of Civilians

Dozent/in Melanie Sauter
Veranstaltungsart Masterseminar
Code FS221506
Semester Frühjahrssemester 2022
Durchführender Fachbereich Politikwissenschaft
Studienstufe Bachelor Master
Termin/e Mi, 23.02.2022, 12:15 - 14:00 Uhr, Hörsaal 7 (Einführungsveranstaltung)
Fr, 11.03.2022, 09:15 - 17:00 Uhr, 4.B47
Sa, 12.03.2022, 09:15 - 15:30 Uhr, 4.B47
Fr, 29.04.2022, 09:15 - 17:00 Uhr, 3.B47
Sa, 30.04.2022, 09:15 - 15:30 Uhr, 3.B47
Weitere Daten Zoom-Link für Einführungsveranstaltung, am 23.02.2022, 12.15-14.00 Uhr: | Meeting-ID: 672 7668 4266 | Kenncode: 915577
Umfang 2 Semesterwochenstunden
Turnus Blockveranstaltung

Are peacekeeping missions really keeping peace?

The aim of this course is to examine the problems and possibilities of United Nations (UN) peace operations. The roles and responsibilities of peacekeepers are evolving as peacekeeping mandates become more complex and multidimensional. Peacekeeping operations have developed from simply monitoring ceasefires to protecting civilians, disarming ex-combatants, protecting human rights, promoting the rule of law, supporting free and fair elections, minimizing the risk of land-mines and much more. As of today, there are 12 active missions with over 90,000 personnel deployed.


Civilians have increasingly become the victims of armed conflict. In response, the Security Council has made protecting civilians a focus of modern peacekeeping. The vast majority of peacekeepers today serve in missions with mandates that prioritize the protection of civilians (POC). The POC mandate is often the yardstick by which the success or failure of peacekeeping missions is assessed. But not only civilians are increasingly the target of violence. Tragically over 3,500 peacekeepers have lost their lives, making many countries wary of contributing troops to the field.


This course is an introduction to the UN’s role in maintaining peace and international security. The subject is relevant for all those who want to focus on conflict or security studies, international organizations, global governance or other subfields in international relations, or are interested in pursuing a career working with a UN organization. The instructor not only focuses her own research on civil-military coordination but also has practical work experience with a UN peacekeeping mission in the field.

Lernziele At the end of the course students should be able to:
- Know and understand the basic differences between ‘classic’ and ‘integrated’ UN peacekeeping missions and their mandates.
- Know and understand the politics of troop contribution to peacekeeping missions.
- Compare the mandates of peacekeeping missions, and examine how the differences might impact mission capabilities and expectations among affected populations.
- Analyse the potential impact of peacekeeping missions on conflict dynamics.
- Understand the development of the Protection of Civilians mandate and analyse its constraints.
- Critically evaluate and reflect on potential limitations of peacekeeping missions.
Voraussetzungen Seminar auf Englisch
Sprache Englisch
Anmeldung Open for advanced BA-students in Political Science. In case of too many interested students priority is given to MA-students.
Abschlussform / Credits Essay (60%), Presentation (20%), Active Participation (20%) / 4 Credits
Hörer-/innen Nach Vereinbarung
Material Seminar texts and further material will be made accessible via the online platform OLAT

·         Bellamy, Alex J., Paul D. Williams, and Stuart Griffin. Understanding peacekeeping. Third Edition. Polity, 2021.

·         Koops, Joachim, Norrie MacQueen, Thierry Tardy, and Paul D. Williams, eds. The Oxford handbook of United Nations peacekeeping operations. Oxford University Press, 2015.