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Ethnographic Research methods

Dozent/in Dr. phil. Faduma Abukar Mursal
Veranstaltungsart Methodisches Seminar
Code FS251425
Semester Frühjahrssemester 2025
Durchführender Fachbereich Ethnologie
Studienstufe Bachelor
Termin/e wöchentlich (Mo), ab 17.02.2025, 12:15 - 14:00 Uhr, 3.B55
Umfang 2 Semesterwochenstunden
Turnus wöchentlich
Inhalt This seminar focuses on research methods as techniques and attitudes that allows us to inquiry and understand the world better. To know anthropological research methods is to understand the self and in turn anthropological methodology. We will use and discuss material which covers key concepts in ethnographic methods, and encourage self-reflexivity, ethical conduct and an awareness of research practice. In this seminar, we discuss and experiment with method techniques such as participants observation, fieldwork, fieldnotes and interviewing. It is based on readings, and short practical exercises.
Sprache Englisch
Anmeldung ***Important*** In order to acquire credits, it is mandatory to register for the course via the UniPortal. Registration opens two weeks before and ends two weeks after the start of the semester. Registrations and cancellations are no longer possible after this period. The exact registration dates can be found here:

Abschlussform / Credits Aktive Teilnahme / 4 Credits
Hörer-/innen Nach Vereinbarung

Beer B. und A. König (eds.). 2020. Methoden ethnologischer Forschung Berlin: Dietrich Reimer Verlag.

Cerwonka A. and Lisa Malkk. 2007. Improvising Theory: Process and Temporality in Ethnographic Fieldwork. Chicago: Chicago University Press. 

Madden, Raymond, ed. 2010. Being Ethnographic: A Guide to the Theory and Practice of Ethnography, 13–35. London et al.: Sage. Darin. 

Schensul, Jean and LeCompte, Margaret, eds. 2013. Essential Ethnographic Methods: A Mixed Methods Approach. Altamira Press.