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Morals and Markets

Dozent/in Dr. Jacob Bjorheim
Veranstaltungsart Hauptseminar
Code FS251522
Semester Frühjahrssemester 2025
Durchführender Fachbereich Philosophie
Studienstufe Bachelor Master
Termin/e wöchentlich (Di), ab 18.02.2025, 12:15 - 14:00 Uhr, 3.A05
Umfang 2 Semesterwochenstunden
Turnus wöchentlich
Inhalt Economic and financial markets are money based social constructs in which individuals and institutions meet to exchange goods, services, skills and knowledge. We will explore markets both from an economic and a philosophical point of view. Our discussions take us through the history of markets, their justification, critical (moral/functional) voices and the role of the agent based NeoClassical economic models. In particular, we will discuss the moral limits of markets, i.e. question whether there can be a market for “everything”, whether market participants meet on an equal and voluntary basis, and whether the distributional effects of exchange are justifiable.
Lernziele Having actively participated in the seminar, students will be able to:
a. Define and describe what a market is, presenting supporting and critical arguments for their existence;
b. Reproduce the most important moral questions arising from these positions;
c. Critically engage with economic and philosophical research papers related to our seminar.
Voraussetzungen Advanced Bachelor and Master students. Attendance of at least one proseminar in philosophy with completed (graded) written seminar paper. (Exception: free study achievements).
Sprache Englisch
Begrenzung If the number of applications is high, PPE and Master students have priority.
Anmeldung ***Important*** In order to acquire credits, it is mandatory to register for the course via the UniPortal. Registration opens two weeks before and ends two weeks after the start of the semester. Registrations and cancellations are no longer possible after this period. The exact registration dates can be found here:
Prüfung Information für Bachelor- und Masterstudierende Theologie:
- Die Leistung "Aktive Teilnahme (Essay, Referat)" wird mit 3 Cr angerechnet.
- Seminararbeit: in Absprache mit dem Dozenten möglich. Die Arbeit wird mit 3 Cr zusätzlich angerechnet. Zum formalen Vorgehen zur Leistungsbestätigung kontaktieren Sie bitte die Studienleitung Theologie (
Abschlussform / Credits Aktive Teilnahme (Essay, Referat) / 4 Credits
Hörer-/innen Ja
Material Every week, we read and discuss a selected academic paper filed in OLAT.
Literatur We will read selected academic papers chosen to reflect on the topics that we discuss every week.

A good introduction: Sandel, Michael J (2012): What Money Can’t Buy.