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Workshop - Writing for policy-makers: Developing policy briefs to support decision-making

Dozent/in Fadi El-Jardali, Associate Professor of Health Policy and Systems; Director of the; Knowledge to Policy (K2P) Center; Co-Director of the Center for Systematic Reviews in Health Policy and Systems Research (SPARK)
Veranstaltungsart Doktorierendenkolloquium
Code HS221621
Semester Herbstsemester 2022
Durchführender Fachbereich Gesundheitswissenschaften
Studienstufe Doktorat
Termin/e Do, 20.10.2022, 08:00 - 17:00 Uhr, HS 14
Fr, 21.10.2022, 08:00 - 17:00 Uhr, HS 14
Inhalt Evidence-informed policy-making is a process that aims at ensuring that the best available research evidence is used for decision-making. It is characterized by a systematic and transparent access to and appraisal of available evidence that should serve as input for the policy-making process. (Oxman et al., 2009; Lavis et al., 2009) Different tools and approaches are available to package research evidence for policy-making and decision makers. One of those being policy (evidence) briefs. Policy briefs prioritize and describe a policy issue, and provide a synthesis of the full range of relevant evidence to address the identified issue. In light of this, this workshop aims at: • introducing students to knowledge translation tools for evidence-informed policy-making, and • preparing students to develop their own policy brief and to identify relevant stakeholders for their brief. 
Lernziele By the end of the course, students should be able to:
• understand the realities of the environment in which policy-makers work
• identify tools and resources that are available to policy-makers and
stakeholders to support the use of research evidence
• know how to access, assess, adapt and apply research evidence
• identify stakeholders that can inform the development of policy briefs
• translate the aforementioned knowledge and skills into the preparation of a policy brief
Voraussetzungen The workshop is open to PhD students, postdocs and interested faculty
Sprache Englisch
Anmeldung For registration, please contact
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