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Evidence Based Medicine and its Roots

Dozent/in Prof. Dr. Jivko Stoyanov; Dr. sc. nat. Joelle Flück; Prof. Armin Gemperli, PhD; Marija Glisic , PD, MD, PhD
Veranstaltungsart Masterseminar
Code HS241026
Semester Herbstsemester 2024
Durchführender Fachbereich Gesundheitswissenschaften
Studienstufe Master
Termin/e Fr, 20.09.2024, 08:15 - 16:00 Uhr, 3.B57
Fr, 27.09.2024, 08:15 - 16:00 Uhr, 3.B57
Fr, 04.10.2024, 08:15 - 16:00 Uhr, 3.B52
Fr, 11.10.2024, 08:15 - 16:00 Uhr, 3.B52
Fr, 18.10.2024, 08:15 - 16:00 Uhr, 3.B57
Fr, 25.10.2024, 08:15 - 16:00 Uhr, 3.B52
Fr, 08.11.2024, 08:15 - 16:00 Uhr, 3.B57
Weitere Daten The course is mandatory in the Major Health Services Research.
Umfang Blockveranstaltung
- Historical and clinical epidemiological foundation of evidence-based medicine
- History of medicine
- Evidence-based practice in nutritional and sports sciences
- 24 steps to systematic review and meta-analysis
- Group work, student presentations and discussions
E-Learning All teaching material is provided via the e-learning platform Moodle.
Lernziele - Theoretical and practical understanding of the principles and methods of evidence-based medicine
- Knowledge of the historical evolvement of medicine and biomedical research
- Appraisal of the deficits and merits of evidence-based medicine and of initiatives to advance evidence-based medicine into the future
- Translation of evidence-based guidelines in nutritional and sports sciences into practice
- Understanding and application of systematic reviews and meta-analyses
Voraussetzungen Attendance and active participation during the course, including reading assigned articles and participating in group work and presentations.

Ideally students have an interest and passed well the courses:
- Health Systems and Services
- Translational Medicine
Sprache Englisch
Begrenzung priority Master Health Sciences students
Prüfung Course participants contribute to the course by presentations. Presentations will be 15-20 minutes in duration, followed by a 10-15 minute Q&A session. Grading is based on relevance to evidence-based medicine, coherence, and presentation skills. Time limit adherence is essential. In the “24 Steps to Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis” module, a combination of group work and written exam will be used for proficiency examination.
Abschlussform / Credits Group presentation & written assignment / 6 Credits
Hinweise Teaching method(s):
In-class teaching and assignments and group work. The course will be spread over seven full Fridays, with the "24 Steps to Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis" module covered in the last three sessions. The structure includes morning lectures, afternoon group work, and student presentations on specified dates.
Hörer-/innen Ja
Kontakt / / /
Material The teaching material is based on PowerPoint slides, videos, scientific articles or selected book chapters. Students will be provided with articles as a starting point for their presentations.

All teaching material is provided via the e-learning platform Moodle.