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Philosophy of Economics

Dozent/in Dr. Jacob Bjorheim
Veranstaltungsart Hauptseminar
Code HS241367
Semester Herbstsemester 2024
Durchführender Fachbereich Philosophie
Studienstufe Bachelor Master
Termin/e wöchentlich (Mi), ab 18.09.2024, 14:15 - 16:00 Uhr, HS 15
Umfang 2 Semesterwochenstunden
Turnus Wöchentlich
Inhalt Economics, but also finance, has long provided philosophers an interesting and versatile breeding-ground for reflections. The aim of our Philosophy of Economics course is to introduce master and advanced bachelor students to its main questions, ideas, concepts, and positions. We will be supported by historical and more recent economic and philosophical contributions drawn from various academic publications.
Lernziele Describe influential positions in the philosophy of economics field;
Reproduce its most important questions and explain their answers;
Critically engage with economic and philosophical research papers.
Voraussetzungen Master and advanced Bachelor students
Sprache Englisch
Begrenzung PPE students have priority.
Anmeldung ***Important*** In order to acquire credits, it is mandatory to register for the course via the UniPortal. Registration opens two weeks before and ends two weeks after the start of the semester. Registrations and cancellations are no longer possible after this period. The exact registration dates can be found here:
Prüfung Information für Bachelor- und Masterstudierende Theologie:
- Die Leistung "Aktive Teilnahme (Referat, Essay)" wird mit 3 Cr angerechnet.
- Seminararbeit: in Absprache mit dem Dozenten möglich. Die Arbeit wird mit 3 Cr zusätzlich angerechnet. Zum formalen Vorgehen zur Leistungsbestätigung kontaktieren Sie bitte die Studienleitung Theologie (
Abschlussform / Credits Aktive Teilnahme (Referat, Essay) / 4 Credits
Hinweise PPE students have priority.
Hörer-/innen Nach Vereinbarung
Material Every week, we read and discuss a selected academic paper. The weekly papers will be posted in advance in OLAT.
Literatur Good overview in:

Hausman, Daniel M. (2018): “Philosophy of Economics”. Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.