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Negativity in Democratic Politics

Dozent/in Frederico Dias Ferreira da Silva, MA
Veranstaltungsart Masterseminar
Code HS241532
Semester Herbstsemester 2024
Durchführender Fachbereich Politikwissenschaft
Studienstufe Bachelor Master
Termin/e Mi, 18.09.2024, 12:15 - 14:00 Uhr, HS 7 (Einführungsveranstaltung)
Do, 03.10.2024, 09:15 - 17:00 Uhr, HS 14
Fr, 04.10.2024, 09:15 - 17:00 Uhr, 4.B51
Do, 14.11.2024, 09:15 - 17:00 Uhr, 4.A05
Fr, 15.11.2024, 09:15 - 17:00 Uhr, 4.B54
Umfang 2 Semesterwochenstunden
Turnus Blockveranstaltung

The "Negativity in Democratic Politics" course explores how negativity shapes  political communication, public opinion, and political behavior in Western democracies. Do people react differently to negative compared to positive information? Why do parties and candidates use tactics like negative campaigning? How do negative political identities affect citizens’ attitudes and behavior? What are the causes and consequences of affective polarization in contemporary democracies?

 This course examines the pervasive influence of negative biases in information processing and impression formation, shedding light on how individuals interpret and react to political information through a negative lens. Students will delve into the dynamics of negative partisanship, characterized by the development of a strong political hostility toward an out-group without necessarily equally strong partisan attachments. The course will cover the strategic use of negative campaigning, including attack ads and smear tactics, and their impact on voter perceptions and election outcomes. It will also address the pressing topic of affective polarization, exploring how emotional and identity-based divisions between political groups contribute to societal fragmentation, reduced political cooperation, and democratic erosion. Finally, the consequences of negativity in the voting decision-making process will be analyzed through the lenses of negative voting, a political choice motivated more by opposition to a candidate than support for another.

 Through case studies and empirical research, students will gain a comprehensive understanding of these negative elements in democratic politics. The course integrates theoretical frameworks with practical examples, equipping students with the analytical skills needed to critically assess the implications of negativity in contemporary democracies.

Lernziele - Understand the causes and consequences of negativity in democratic politics
- Relate the psychological and sociological foundations of negative partisanship and its impact on political loyalty and polarization.
- Interpret negative biases in information processing and impression formation in political contexts.
- Apply analytical skills to case studies from contemporary Western democracies to illustrate and understand the practical implications of negativity in democratic politics.
- Explain the motivations behind negative voting and its implications for democratic processes and election results.
- Evaluate the effects of negative campaigning strategies on voter perceptions and electoral outcomes in Western democracies.
Sprache Englisch
Anmeldung ***Wichtig*** Um Credits zu erwerben ist die Anmeldung zur Lehrveranstaltung über das UniPortal zwingend erforderlich. Die Anmeldung ist ab zwei Wochen vor bis zwei Wochen nach Beginn des Semesters möglich. An- und Abmeldungen sind nach diesem Zeitraum nicht mehr möglich. Die genauen Anmeldedaten finden Sie hier:
Prüfung Active participation, oral engagement; short presentation, essay
Abschlussform / Credits Aktive Teilnahme (Essay) / 4 Credits
Hörer-/innen Nach Vereinbarung